Posted on 5/2/2024

Get Involved! Join the 2025 ASCCA Board of Directors The ASCCA is pleased to call for nominations for seats open on the 2024 Board of Directors. Participation on the ASCCA Board of Directors is a unique opportunity for automotive repair professionals to help guide the state's largest organization of independent auto shop owners in shaping the future of the industry and building a stronger industry. Board participation is a chance to grow personally and professionally, and to develop skills, experience and connections with a team of other passionate and motivated professionals. Download the nomination application HERE!
Posted on 7/4/2015
The State Legislative Bill Report details various bills that ASCCA is tracking. If you have any questions please contact ASCCA at[email protected]Bill Report July 14, 2015
Posted on 7/3/2015
The ASCCA Public Relations committee is encouraging all ASCCA members to begin engaging their customers in a consumer education campaign on Telematics. A flyer has been developed by the Committee for you to use in your shops. Consider displaying these flyers and even attaching them to your customer invoices. The intent is to engage your customer in a dialogue with you so you can inform them of what Telematics is and the potential risk it presents to their right for privacy. You can take this opportunity to inform your customer that through your association you are advocating on their behalf in an attempt to protect consumer privacy. Click here to view the flyer
Posted on 7/2/2015
As of July 2015 the ASCCA TeamTalk email address has changed. HOW TO POST MESSAGES If you are an authorized participant on TEAMtalk, send an email message to the following email address - [email protected] and it will go to everyone on the list. Hit "Reply to all" when replying to messages. If you have not been authorized yet, or if you are sending from an e-mail address different from the one you subscribed with, the message will be bounced back as undeliverable. If you change e-mail addresses, your posts will be bounced. In case of an email change email [email protected] and your email address will be updated. **For more information please visit