Posted on 5/2/2024

Get Involved! Join the 2025 ASCCA Board of Directors The ASCCA is pleased to call for nominations for seats open on the 2024 Board of Directors. Participation on the ASCCA Board of Directors is a unique opportunity for automotive repair professionals to help guide the state's largest organization of independent auto shop owners in shaping the future of the industry and building a stronger industry. Board participation is a chance to grow personally and professionally, and to develop skills, experience and connections with a team of other passionate and motivated professionals. Download the nomination application HERE!
Posted on 7/26/2022
From ASCCA Legislative Advocate, Jack Molodanof: Below is a summary of my notes from the BAR Advisory Group Committee meeting and Vehicle Safety Inspection Program Regulatory Workshop that took place in Sacramento on July 21, 2022. ________________________ BAR Advisory Group Committee Meeting Introductions. BAR Chief, Patrick Dorais made opening comments that included, BAR celebrating 50 years as Bureau and introduced BAR staff in the audience. Members of the BAR Advisory Group Committee introduced themselves. DCA News & Updates. The Governor signed bill allowing for government entities to continue remote meetings along with in-person as long as specified guidelines followed. The DCA representative provided updates on new DCA staff. Legislative Bill and BAR Regulations Update. Legislative bill update included summary of the following: AB 646-Expunged Convicti ... read more
Posted on 7/25/2022

360 Payments is a payment solution designed specifically for automotive repair shops. With industry-leading customer service, you also get access to revolutionary features such as Text-to-Pay and Integrated Consumer Financing. By offering seamless integrations for your customers, you can create a better customer relationship, offer more financing opportunities, and increase your average repair order. Here are just a few benefits of working with 360 Payments: Industry-leading customer service and support Integrated with dozens of leading SMS and DVI solutions, including Shop-Ware, Protractor, Shop Boss, Tekmetric, AutoServe1, NAPA TRACS and more Integrated consumer financing options - empower your customers to get repairs made now and pay later Eliminate the payment conversation during vehicle pick-up with Text-to-Pay. Keep up with the dealerships and stay ahead of the competition. No contracts, no junk fees, and no leased terminals Find out more with this special offer ... read more
Posted on 7/15/2022
From ASCCA Legislative Advocate, Jack Molodanof Below is the legislative report. The legislature is on summer recess and will reconvene on August 1, 2022. When the legislature returns, we expect a flurry of activity including the controversial "gut and amend" legislation, (when amendments to a bill remove the current contents in the entirety and replace them with different provisions). Click here to view