Posted on 5/2/2024

Get Involved! Join the 2025 ASCCA Board of Directors The ASCCA is pleased to call for nominations for seats open on the 2024 Board of Directors. Participation on the ASCCA Board of Directors is a unique opportunity for automotive repair professionals to help guide the state's largest organization of independent auto shop owners in shaping the future of the industry and building a stronger industry. Board participation is a chance to grow personally and professionally, and to develop skills, experience and connections with a team of other passionate and motivated professionals. Download the nomination application HERE!
Posted on 6/5/2016
The ASCCA is pleased to call for nominations for the 7 seats open for the 2017 Board of Directors. Participation on the ASCCA Board of Directors is a unique opportunity for automotive repair professionals to help guide the state's largest organization of independent auto shop owners in shaping the future of the industry and building a stronger industry. Board participation is a chance to grow personally and professionally, and to develop skills, experience and connections with a team of other passionate and motivated professionals. Applications are due July 1. Click here for the nomination ballot
Posted on 6/4/2016
SACRAMENTO- The Automotive Service Councils of California is proud to announce its most recent corporate sponsorship with Shop-Ware Inc., an innovative company that delivers cutting-edge shop management software. The shop management software promotes business wellness and maximizes productivity by casting traditional best practices in a paperless, cloud-based applications. Founder Carolyn Coquillette, an ASCCA member and owner of Luscious Garage in San Francisco, is assisted by Chip Keen, former owner of Hansville Repair and founder/developer of Garage Operator. Click here to read the full press release
Posted on 6/3/2016
CAWA is asking members of the auto care industry in California to share instances of new car dealers or manufacturers denying warranty coverage simply due to the use of a non-original equipment part or service | Survey Link.
Posted on 6/2/2016
Probably the most important issue in the automotive industry today, telematics, is something you need to understand. See the enclosed "white-paper" (here) which describes telematic systems and the possibilities with the data derived from this system. You should also know that CAWA and the Auto Care Association have developed a "white- board" that explains telematics in its simplest form (and was financially sponsored by Vantage Marketing Global, Inc.)
Posted on 6/1/2016

HR 360 is free to any member who wishes to use it. The program is offered via CoreMark, our ASCCA endorsed health benefits provider. In order to access this free benefit, ASCCA members need to contact Mat Nabity directly: Mat Nabity 916-286-0918 [email protected]Click here to view the flyer with more information.